Welcome to the Anturas newsletter, where I share my thoughts, learnings, and failures to help you think, learn, and grow. If you enjoy it, please feel free to forward along to friends.
Quote I Loved:
"It is not shortage of time that should worry us, but the tendency for the majority of time to be spent in low-quality ways" - Richard Koch
Things I Am Thinking About:
"Yes threshold" - The level that something needs to hit before you say "yes."
I used to go out pretty frequently. If it was a weekend and someone asked me to go out, my immediate reaction was "yes." If there was an "event" during the week, no matter how small, I would say, "yeah, sure!" My yes threshold for going out used to be really low. Over the last year, I have increased that threshold. I don't just say yes because it's the weekend. I am really intentional with the weekends. I use them to recharge and spend time with Kel, and I only say yes if it's a full body yes, like an engagement party, a birthday rafting trip, or a friend's wedding.
The same can be said for drinking. I have increased my "yes threshold" to a level where over the course of 5 months, the only thing that crossed the threshold was my 30th birthday with Kel at a hot springs. My yes threshold for drinking is super high.
For pizza, my yes threshold is super low. It's Friday night, yes to pizza. It's at an event, yes to pizza. It's been a stressful Tuesday and I want to unwind, yes to pizza. Writing this out has made it clear I need to increase my yes threshold for pizza…
I love this concept of a yes threshold because I believe it can help me stick to my goals, make better decisions, and not have to cut everything out cold turkey (which has been shown to not work most of the time). The tricky part of the yes threshold is where do you draw the line? My next challenge is developing a system to define that threshold.
Questions I'm Asking Myself:
How do you define a yes threshold?
Favorite Photo From the Week:
Huckleberry has been working on her smile!
Till next week, be kind, be curious and work hard.