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Misogi Challenge

Tanner MacIvor

Quote of the Week: "One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now." - Paulo Coelho Content of the Week: Why wait to build the life you’ve always wanted? Do you find the concept of a mid-life crisis crazy? Why would someone spend half their life working into a mid-life crisis, and the other half, working out of a mid-life crisis? When they could start building the life they were meant to live today!

Article of the Week: Misogi Challenge: A Japanese Ritual That Will Change Your Life Have you heard of the Japanese word "Misogi"? The concept is simple, do one extremely challenging (and memorable) thing each year that has a profound impact on the other 364 days. In traditional Japanese culture, misogi, involved immersing oneself in a freezing cold waterfall. Today, people have taken this concept and turned it into a means of self-discovery, and pushing one's limits to achieve personal breakthroughs.

Big Question(s) of the Week: How do you push yourself outside your comfort zone? Would you take on a challenge so difficult you'd remember it the rest of the 364 days? Anturas Community Accomplishment: Another week, and another new job! Over the last couple weeks one of our community members received four different job offers! The exciting part, they aren't running away from an old job, but rather, running towards a new, fun opportunity.

Photo of the Week: The famous "Going to the Sun Road" is officially open in Glacier National Park. If you are coming to Montana this summer, let me know!

Till next week, be kind, be curious and work hard. Tanner

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